GuanJia Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd., as an enterprise with many years of experience in the packaging industry, relies on its advanced equipment, technology and professional team to provide high-quality packaging solutions to various industries. Dominik Pisa is a pet food manufacturer customer from the Czech Republic. His company focuses on the manufacturing and processing of pet food. Due to the diversity of its product types, it has very high packaging requirements. They found GuanJia Packaging Machinery Company, hoping to get a packaging solution that was both beautiful and practical. GuanJia's broad portfolio of solutions meets the most stringent quality assurance standards for pet food production. Strict guidelines also apply to packaging and packaging equipment. GuanJia was selected as a supplier of packaging equipment with high levels of hygienic processing. 

Find the right packaging solution

Dominik Pisa noted: We needed to package a special granule in 35-45 kg paper bags, which was quite a challenge. We tested 4 different packaging equipment manufacturers and chose GuanJia. We like it The engineering concept of the machine, and they have a good reputation and focus on hygienic packaging solutions for pet food. After in-depth understanding of the production process and needs of pet food manufacturers, we recommended Dominik Pisa to choose high automation, high speed, and high efficiency. Packaging equipment with high packaging accuracy, so the solution we recommend for it includes a pellet packaging equipment and a palletizer, as well as the necessary conveyor belt connection to the automated transport system for delivering the pallets directly to the warehouse, which is a big deal Save labor to a certain extent. The weighing range of Guanjia's granule packaging scale is: 10kg-50kg, and the maximum weighing speed can reach: 400-700bag/h. 

State-of-the-art pet food technology

Guanjia uses advanced mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and PLC control technology to realize the entire process automation from raw material transportation, metering, filling, sealing to finished product output. Through a precise control system, it can be ensured that key indicators such as the weight and sealing quality of each package meet the standards, greatly improving production efficiency and product quality.

Complete installation and service

Dominik Pisa said: Just like Guanjia, quality and reliability are also of paramount importance to us. They are also highly customer-oriented. It is their responsibility to deliver a final and well-functioning pet food packaging machine. After installation, they The service is accessible, simple and helpful. We hope to double our factory capacity in the future and will definitely contact Guanjia again if we have further needs.